

Sapphire is a general term for corundum gemstones of other colors except red ruby. The main component is (Al2O3). The blue sapphire is due to the inclusion of a small amount of (Ti) and (Fe) impurities; the color of the sapphire can be pink, yellow, green, white, or even a variety of colors in the same stone.

Sapphire symbolizes loyalty, constancy, love and honesty. Starlight Sapphire is also known as the "Stone of Destiny", which can bless the wearer's safety and bring good luck. Sapphire is a high-grade gemstone and is one of the five major gemstones, ranking third after diamonds and rubies.


Sapphire evaluation and selection factors are color, weight, clarity and clarity. The biggest feature of sapphire is that the color is uneven, the polycrystalline twin is not developed, and the dichroism is strong.

  • The color of a sapphire is an indicator of its value. Generally speaking, it is very rare for sapphires to achieve royal blue and cornflower colors, so those two color levels are worth collecting.
  • Look at gems under natural sunlight and artificial light sources. Gems will appear lighter in bright light, but darker in normal sunlight.
  • Check to see if the color is uniform. Cracks will affect the beauty and durability of the gemstone. If the feathers extend to the surface of the stone, a sudden impact will break the stone.
  • Secondly, look at the clarity, that is, to see if there are impurities, flaws and cracks. Then we look at the cut. If it is a faceted sapphire, it depends on whether the facets are symmetrical and the proportion of the overall stone cut


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